I wish I could say this is a well-thought out and masterfully written guide I've put months of work into, but in actuality it's mostly a massive comment I dropped on some dude who asked for tips in Discussions before my meds kicked in, lmao

If you want better results than that, you'll need a LOT more info and simple game experience than you can get in a Steam guide, but this will provide some fundamental knowledge and help you start asking the questions you need to grow. This isn't meant for players who already have the game experience to evaluate their choices like that it's just meant to help guide the learning process for newer players who are having trouble climbing Ascensions or need to get very lucky to beat A20, to hopefully turn them into 25-30% winrate A20 players and give them the foundation to improve further.
In general, if it's a full mechanic I never bring up, it's either decently obvious or too complex to talk about, and either way it's on you to piece together.Īs always with anything with as many nested decisions as StS, the ultimate goal is evaluating every situation individually, but even starting to assess a card pick like that requires extremely in-depth knowledge of every possible card, relic, enemy, and event in the game.

Also note this guide doesn't take your current relics into account and they're obviously a huge part of the game, so use some common sense on if your relics make certain cards and builds better or if they shore up gaps you would need to fill with new cards otherwise. I use Ironclad cards as the examples, but the principles apply to every character, just with some different nuances. What up y'all, I play Ascension 20 Slay the Spire and watched a bunch of vids and streamers to figure out the game before I got consistent, so here's some general deckbuilding principles I learned so you don't have to take as long as I did.